Thank you for supporting St. Patrick's!

Your tax deductible gift supports everything that makes St. Patrick’s so extraordinary. Use the secure, online form below to make a one-time or recurring gift to the St. Patrick’s Annual Fund. 


Join us at the level that you feel most comfortable and please know every gift goes straight back into our School.

Crystal Shamrock Society*$25,000 and above
Legacy Circle* $15,000 – 24,999
Heritage Circle* $10,000-14,999
Scholars’ Circle* $5,000-9,999
Head of School’s Circle*$2,500-4,999
Stewardship Club $1,500-2,499
1963 Club $500-1,499
Honor Roll $250-499
Friend $1-249 

*Leadership Level Gifts – Donors contributing a yearly gift of $2,500 or more to the Annual Fund will be invited to a Donor Leadership Appreciation Party on May 1, 2025.

Please contact the Business Office with any questions 805.497.1416.