St. Patrick's Episcopal Day School
The premiere kindergarten readiness through eighth grade school in the Conejo Valley.
A St. Patrick’s education provides elementary and middle school-age children a carefully planned, sequential, and integrated educational experience within a supportive environment. At each grade level, our students are challenged academically and personally to learn and grow. St. Patrick’s graduates are confident young people who understand the importance of doing their best, giving to others, and being leaders in their community.
Stimulating critical thinking in a collaborative environment.
Our academic program is structured, engaging, and challenging. Students at all grade levels are taught the study habits, critical thinking skills, and knowledge that they need for success in their school careers.
The language arts program encompasses phonics, reading comprehension, literary analysis, expository and creative writing, spelling, vocabulary, grammar, penmanship, public speaking, and poetry. In mathematics students learn basic math facts, number theory, and geometry, while developing their program solving and quantitative reasoning abilities. Our math program culminates in Middle School with pre-algebra, Algebra 1, and Geometry courses. Classes in science are based on hands-on experiences and applying the scientific method to scientific concepts and principles. The social studies curriculum at St. Patrick’s includes the study of geography as well as the history of our local community, California, the United States, and the ancient world. Through these topics, students are introduced to primary concepts in economics, government, cultural traditions, and current events. St. Patrick’s students enjoy a solid academic foundation that fosters a lifelong love of learning.
Growing students’ confidence through individual expression in a loving community.
St. Patrick’s students have many opportunities to be creative and explore through using hands-on experiences. Our students enjoy a robust schedule of enrichment classes which include art, music, physical education, technology, and Spanish. Our enrichment classes are taught by skilled and passionate teachers who encourage creativity and understand the importance of exposing children to culture, language, and movement. The homeroom teachers enhance classroom core curriculum with field trips, service learning projects, public speaking, and engaging class projects. At St. Patrick’s, our students gain confidence through their many opportunities to express themselves within a loving school community.
Fostering a commitment to social responsibility and global citizenship.
Through a year-long engagement with a service project that is meaningful and age-appropriate, St. Patrick’s students learn the importance of being community minded and being involved in helping others. Service learning is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates community service with instruction and reflection that enriches the academic learning experience and teaches civic responsibility.
Service learning expands a student’s world and ties what is taught in the classroom to the community. Service learning connects community service with academic skills, and for our students, creates a deep connection between helping others and learning.
Guiding each child to develop a moral character based on the Episcopal traditions of integrity, compassion, and inclusion.
We believe that it is important to learn in a Community of Kindness. To create such an environment, the entire school joins together for chapel two mornings a week. Our school Chaplain conducts lively lessons that are interactive and emphasize values such as compassion, kindness, gratitude, service, respect, honesty, and forgiveness. During chapel the students sing songs and listen to readings and student presentations from a variety of sources and traditions. In addition, each grade level has bi-weekly values classes that are age appropriate and reinforce the values taught during chapel. Through practice, our students are guided to make a positive difference in both their school community and the greater community.